Yes, it was time. This morning, we said goodbye to our dear one, Ms. Sally Larry Princess Fairy. She will be missed. She was released back into the wilderness of the treeline to reunite with the friends and family that she was pulled away from 4 weeks ago. Ellie took great comfort in the fact that Sally Larry was going to be with her friends and her babies. She held her brave face, waved goodbye, and then ran in the house for a cheese stick. Mommy was especially grateful that she no longer is required to "change the jar" twice a week!!
No, Sally Larry Princess Fairy did not die. She (or he -- not really sure how to tell the gender of a snail) actually lived for close to 4 weeks in captivity in a jar in our kitchen window sill. She was even a well-traveled Gastropod. She went with our family on our recent trip to TX/LA. She did quite well on that trip, even got to spend the night in a nice hotel!! Her companion for the trip, Leafy, did not fare so well, and kicked it before we got home. It probably had something to do with the fact that Leafy had no food/water and one of his legs was detached from the rest of his body.
Sally Larry was a fine addition to our family. She joined the ranks of other vagrant pets we've had over the years, such as Tuck (red-eared slider turtle), Al (alligator snapping turtle), 4 bullfrog poly wogs, Batman & Robin (hamsters, nasty little boogers), and a few others that I can't seem to remember. They all were fun, but are all gone now; either because we felt like they needed to live in their natural habitat (poly wogs & Al), or because of cannibalism (Al ate Tuck, Robin ate Batman).
But now, she is back with her loved ones. Hopefully, she will live to a ripe old age of 2 years, and at the end of her life will think warm and fuzzy thoughts about the little 4 year old girl who found her in the back yard and put her in a glass jar for a month.
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