Yes, it was time. This morning, we said goodbye to our dear one, Ms. Sally Larry Princess Fairy. She will be missed. She was released back into the wilderness of the treeline to reunite with the friends and family that she was pulled away from 4 weeks ago. Ellie took great comfort in the fact that Sally Larry was going to be with her friends and her babies. She held her brave face, waved goodbye, and then ran in the house for a cheese stick. Mommy was especially grateful that she no longer is required to "change the jar" twice a week!!
No, Sally Larry Princess Fairy did not die. She (or he -- not really sure how to tell the gender of a snail) actually lived for close to 4 weeks in captivity in a jar in our kitchen window sill. She was even a well-traveled Gastropod. She went with our family on our recent trip to TX/LA. She did quite well on that trip, even got to spend the night in a nice hotel!! Her companion for the trip, Leafy, did not fare so well, and kicked it before we got home. It probably had something to do with the fact that Leafy had no food/water and one of his legs was detached from the rest of his body.
Sally Larry was a fine addition to our family. She joined the ranks of other vagrant pets we've had over the years, such as Tuck (red-eared slider turtle), Al (alligator snapping turtle), 4 bullfrog poly wogs, Batman & Robin (hamsters, nasty little boogers), and a few others that I can't seem to remember. They all were fun, but are all gone now; either because we felt like they needed to live in their natural habitat (poly wogs & Al), or because of cannibalism (Al ate Tuck, Robin ate Batman).
But now, she is back with her loved ones. Hopefully, she will live to a ripe old age of 2 years, and at the end of her life will think warm and fuzzy thoughts about the little 4 year old girl who found her in the back yard and put her in a glass jar for a month.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
"B" Scavenger hunt
This week is B week, and Ellie insisted on going on a scavenger hunt for things that b-b-begin with the letter B. I'm thinking, "OK, she's going to look for typical things, like b-b-bowls, b-b-buttons, b-b-beads, b-b-bananas, & b-b-bottles." And, yes, she did put all those things in her b-b-bag. B-b-but, true to form, my way-too-smart-for-her-own-good 4 year old took it a step further. About 15 minutes later, she has B-B-Becca carrying her b-b-bag with Seth in it.
"Um, Ellie, why is Seth in the bag?" I ask.
"B-b-because he's my b-b-brother!" Then she turns to B-B-Becca and says, "Now we need to put a b-b-bathtub in the b-b-bag!"
Wow. I tell you what, WOW!!! She never ceases to amaze me.....
"Um, Ellie, why is Seth in the bag?" I ask.
"B-b-because he's my b-b-brother!" Then she turns to B-B-Becca and says, "Now we need to put a b-b-bathtub in the b-b-bag!"
Wow. I tell you what, WOW!!! She never ceases to amaze me.....
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Discouragement *
AAAUUUGGHHH!!! Don't you hate it when you're blogging along, happily and on a roll.....AND THEN THE STINKIN' COMPUTER DOES SOMETHING STRANGE AND YOU LOOSE YOU POST???????
Anyway....Oh, I found it!!!! Ok, take 2!
Alas, the honeymoon phase of homeschooling has officially worn off. No, I'm not regretting my decision, nor the sheer number of smallish offspring that David and I have. But, sometimes, these two factors, combined with my almost-obsessive and domineering desire to "educate these kids!" lead me straight down a path that I don't like. It's hard to keep the momentum up. It's hard not to get stressed out. It's hard not to want to scream my head off and run away, as far and as fast as I can. It's hard not to completely submerge myself inn chocolate and shopping!!!
I called up David this morning, and said, "Ok, it's time for my daily pep talk...remind me why we're homeschooling again?" *sigh* It gets old, this feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted. What to do, what to do.
Veterans know what I'm talking about. Nodding with the "uh huh, I've been there" look, you know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Newbies, take courage -- these feelings don't last forever. There are ups and downs, just like there are with every other aspect of life. Today is just one of the downer days.
It hit me hard this morning. Not because I feel like my boys are lacking. I think they are doing awesome, and are really loving what they're learning about. Nathan is learning about mechanical components this week, and just finished making a paper link chain. Yeah, it's an easy project, but he understands links & chains now. Zachary's weather study is nearing a close, and he constantly correcting me. "No, mom. It's troposphere not stratosphere." He learned about rainbows today and made a barometer. Both boys are really getting the most they can out of what they're learning.
But trying to keep them on task, and get things interesting for the littles is presenting an obstacle. Micah hasn't wanted anything but to be permanently attached to me all morning. Couple kids not getting along in one room. Another kid is being pitiful and milking his boo-boo for all its worth. Then, there's the going back and forth between the 2 big boys and making sure they understand what they are learning. Whew! It's a lot of back-n-forth, back-n-forth.
I'm learning, though. I don't own this lesson, as I'm still in the midst of it. There's a song that a friend of mine wrote called "Grace for Every Minute". That song has been ringing in my head. I have to keep telling myself that, no matter what, there's One who's sovereign over everything. Only He can give me the grace that I need. And until I learn to fully rely on Him, I will fail over and over again. He must supply everything I need, including grace for homeschooling.
You know, after writing all this, I feel much better. Tomorrow holds a new day and new set of adventures. But more importantly, it holds new opportunities to cry out to my Lord for everything I need! Yay!!
Anyway....Oh, I found it!!!! Ok, take 2!
Alas, the honeymoon phase of homeschooling has officially worn off. No, I'm not regretting my decision, nor the sheer number of smallish offspring that David and I have. But, sometimes, these two factors, combined with my almost-obsessive and domineering desire to "educate these kids!" lead me straight down a path that I don't like. It's hard to keep the momentum up. It's hard not to get stressed out. It's hard not to want to scream my head off and run away, as far and as fast as I can. It's hard not to completely submerge myself inn chocolate and shopping!!!
I called up David this morning, and said, "Ok, it's time for my daily pep talk...remind me why we're homeschooling again?" *sigh* It gets old, this feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted. What to do, what to do.
Veterans know what I'm talking about. Nodding with the "uh huh, I've been there" look, you know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Newbies, take courage -- these feelings don't last forever. There are ups and downs, just like there are with every other aspect of life. Today is just one of the downer days.
It hit me hard this morning. Not because I feel like my boys are lacking. I think they are doing awesome, and are really loving what they're learning about. Nathan is learning about mechanical components this week, and just finished making a paper link chain. Yeah, it's an easy project, but he understands links & chains now. Zachary's weather study is nearing a close, and he constantly correcting me. "No, mom. It's troposphere not stratosphere." He learned about rainbows today and made a barometer. Both boys are really getting the most they can out of what they're learning.
But trying to keep them on task, and get things interesting for the littles is presenting an obstacle. Micah hasn't wanted anything but to be permanently attached to me all morning. Couple kids not getting along in one room. Another kid is being pitiful and milking his boo-boo for all its worth. Then, there's the going back and forth between the 2 big boys and making sure they understand what they are learning. Whew! It's a lot of back-n-forth, back-n-forth.
I'm learning, though. I don't own this lesson, as I'm still in the midst of it. There's a song that a friend of mine wrote called "Grace for Every Minute". That song has been ringing in my head. I have to keep telling myself that, no matter what, there's One who's sovereign over everything. Only He can give me the grace that I need. And until I learn to fully rely on Him, I will fail over and over again. He must supply everything I need, including grace for homeschooling.
You know, after writing all this, I feel much better. Tomorrow holds a new day and new set of adventures. But more importantly, it holds new opportunities to cry out to my Lord for everything I need! Yay!!
Our Trip to Marshall, pt. 2
Well, the rest of the visit didn't have quite as many memorable learning experiences as the trip down did. But we did have a blast! We found this really neat Science Museum in Shreveport, LA, and spent all of Sunday afternoon there. Lots of hands-on exhibits, including a domino track, demonstrations on how to determine volume, and a huge Rube-Goldberg machine. The neatest thing was when one of the workers did a whole presentation on FIRE! The boys were ecstatic!! The trip home didn't take us quite as long, and we were all very happy once we were home & in our own beds!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Our Trip to Marshall, TX -- part 1
I just deleted the post I was working on – don’t worry, it was on purpose. I realized that I spend a lot of my time on trips describing all the problems we have in great detail and paint a dismal picture of our trip in the process. So I decided I’m going to tell you about the learning experiences we’re having right now.
Math -- It took us 6 ½ hours to travel 205 miles. That averages to 31 miles per hour.
Grammar, Science, Math, History, Economics, Social Studies -- Currently, the kids are immersed in School House Rock.
Anatomy/Physiology & Psychology – weird combo, huh? I put a pullup on Seth (who’s potty training) so as to avoid an accident in the carseat. You know, you’d think that a kid who seems to love to “go” in his pants when he shouldn’t, wouldn’t have a problem with a free ticket to do it all day long with no consequences!! But, NNNNOOOOOOO!!! He’s insisting on going in the potty, to the point where he’s crying & begging to go to the potty!! I think I’m going to have to revisit this combo of subjects at a later time.
Nutrition / Experiments – can 6 children survive the day on cheese, pepperoni sticks, goldfish, crackers, and juice? Still collecting data on this one. Results will follow in a later post.
Interpersonal Relations – trying to keep the kids from killing each other, and trying to keep myself from killing the kids. Doing much better after my melt down. Having more grace for it.
Spirituality – praying without ceasing. ‘Nuff said.
Art – Ellie & Ian have been keeping themselves pretty occupied with neon pink play dough. Very interesting creations coming from the table right now.
Entomology – (points for a BIG word!!) This morning, Nathan caught a huge leaf bug. Check out the pic! Actually, all the kids found it. Nathan was just the one they elected to capture the poor soul and save him before Micah put it in his mouth. Oh, and we decided to bring Sally Larry Princess Fairy with us on this trip. So I started my morning (before coffee, mind you) with changing out her jar. Gross-ology is more like it!!!
Map Skills – How do we get to Shreveport? Let’s ask the Map to help! Say Map, say Map!! I’m the Map, I’m the Map, I’m the Map, I’m the Map! I’M THE MAAAAPPP!!!!
Civics – Eating dinner in Hope, AK. Birthplace of Former President Bill Clinton. So…um…very…exciting…um, yeah…
Geography – After driving for hours in Arkansas, Zack says, “Dad, are we at the ripped-up sock yet?” (He meant Louisiana.)
Oceanography – Watching “Finding Nemo”. Decided torturing the kids with Planet Earth was cruel & unusual punishment.
Math (Telling Time) – Ellie (in her dramatic state, see below) says, “How much longer?’ David: “About 15 more minutes, sweetheart.” Ellie sobs: “But that will take hours and hours!!! Whaaaaaaahhhh!!”
Drama – Ellie. ‘Nuff said.
Math -- It took us 6 ½ hours to travel 205 miles. That averages to 31 miles per hour.
Grammar, Science, Math, History, Economics, Social Studies -- Currently, the kids are immersed in School House Rock.
Anatomy/Physiology & Psychology – weird combo, huh? I put a pullup on Seth (who’s potty training) so as to avoid an accident in the carseat. You know, you’d think that a kid who seems to love to “go” in his pants when he shouldn’t, wouldn’t have a problem with a free ticket to do it all day long with no consequences!! But, NNNNOOOOOOO!!! He’s insisting on going in the potty, to the point where he’s crying & begging to go to the potty!! I think I’m going to have to revisit this combo of subjects at a later time.
Nutrition / Experiments – can 6 children survive the day on cheese, pepperoni sticks, goldfish, crackers, and juice? Still collecting data on this one. Results will follow in a later post.
Interpersonal Relations – trying to keep the kids from killing each other, and trying to keep myself from killing the kids. Doing much better after my melt down. Having more grace for it.
Spirituality – praying without ceasing. ‘Nuff said.
Art – Ellie & Ian have been keeping themselves pretty occupied with neon pink play dough. Very interesting creations coming from the table right now.
Entomology – (points for a BIG word!!) This morning, Nathan caught a huge leaf bug. Check out the pic! Actually, all the kids found it. Nathan was just the one they elected to capture the poor soul and save him before Micah put it in his mouth. Oh, and we decided to bring Sally Larry Princess Fairy with us on this trip. So I started my morning (before coffee, mind you) with changing out her jar. Gross-ology is more like it!!!
Map Skills – How do we get to Shreveport? Let’s ask the Map to help! Say Map, say Map!! I’m the Map, I’m the Map, I’m the Map, I’m the Map! I’M THE MAAAAPPP!!!!
Civics – Eating dinner in Hope, AK. Birthplace of Former President Bill Clinton. So…um…very…exciting…um, yeah…
Geography – After driving for hours in Arkansas, Zack says, “Dad, are we at the ripped-up sock yet?” (He meant Louisiana.)
Oceanography – Watching “Finding Nemo”. Decided torturing the kids with Planet Earth was cruel & unusual punishment.
Math (Telling Time) – Ellie (in her dramatic state, see below) says, “How much longer?’ David: “About 15 more minutes, sweetheart.” Ellie sobs: “But that will take hours and hours!!! Whaaaaaaahhhh!!”
Drama – Ellie. ‘Nuff said.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Ian -- week 1
So, with Ian, we're doing Hands On Homeschooling (see previous post). We're having a blast.
So far, we've talked about the Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippor. I don't think he grasps the spiritual side of it all, but he's gets exposure to it, and that's the important thing!
He's done little things here and there, like counting, putting numbers in order, and practicing his letters/handwriting.
So far, we've talked about the Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippor. I don't think he grasps the spiritual side of it all, but he's gets exposure to it, and that's the important thing!
He's done little things here and there, like counting, putting numbers in order, and practicing his letters/handwriting.
Overview of "The Littles"
Ahh, my little Ian. He's my teddy bear, my emotional barometer. I love him to death!!
Ok, with Ian and the two littles, we're using HandsOnHomeschooling. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this curriculum!! I found it when Nathan was 2, and would have used it all along. It's designed for ages 2-5, so all preschool and Kindergarten. It's all laid out, day-by-day, month-by-month. No brain work, and comes in VERY HANDY when you've got multiple kids, multiple ages, multiple levels.
Now, don't get me wrong--I'm not a proponent of programs where everything's laid out for you and there's no interaction between parent & child. Nor do I subscribe to the mentality that you buy the "Kindergarten in a box" set and hunker down and "get your money's worth". I've seen too many cases of moms in tears, kids in tears, frustrated Dads, and looks of "What the heck was I thinking!!"
Instead, HOH is a wonderful tool, where the bulk of leg work is done. I don't have to stress about coming up with a plan for my little ones who are just as interested in "doing school" as their older brothers. I can go to their binder, look up their activity, and when I have a few minutes to spare, *BOOM*--school is in session!! It's great!
Of course, I am in no way giving this curriculum its due justice. You'll have to go on their website to learn more!
Ok, with Ian and the two littles, we're using HandsOnHomeschooling. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this curriculum!! I found it when Nathan was 2, and would have used it all along. It's designed for ages 2-5, so all preschool and Kindergarten. It's all laid out, day-by-day, month-by-month. No brain work, and comes in VERY HANDY when you've got multiple kids, multiple ages, multiple levels.
Now, don't get me wrong--I'm not a proponent of programs where everything's laid out for you and there's no interaction between parent & child. Nor do I subscribe to the mentality that you buy the "Kindergarten in a box" set and hunker down and "get your money's worth". I've seen too many cases of moms in tears, kids in tears, frustrated Dads, and looks of "What the heck was I thinking!!"
Instead, HOH is a wonderful tool, where the bulk of leg work is done. I don't have to stress about coming up with a plan for my little ones who are just as interested in "doing school" as their older brothers. I can go to their binder, look up their activity, and when I have a few minutes to spare, *BOOM*--school is in session!! It's great!
Of course, I am in no way giving this curriculum its due justice. You'll have to go on their website to learn more!
Zack -- week 2
(See Nathan's week 1 & 2 for any missing gaps.)
We took Labor Day off, with the exception of the pulley building. All the kids participated in that one.
Tuesday, sick day. But somehow, Zack ended up not being sick (which means, he'll just get it later). So he ended up getting to go down to the office this morning, instead of in the afternoon)....that is, until Dad ended up getting sick, too, and coming home.
Oh, while we're on the subject, guess you're wondering when Math comes into this equation. Well, that's really David's strong suite, not mine. So, in the afternoons, the boys each take turns going down to the office and do Math & some Handwriting (which is atrocious!!). He has more grace for those kinds of subjects than I do. I want them to do things the way that I was taught, in a timely fashion. And then I end up getting very discouraged and the kids end up frustrated. Or...I let David handle those subjects and he gets to take the fun stuff that we've been learning about to the next level (ie, the whole building of a pulley--David's idea).
We took Labor Day off, with the exception of the pulley building. All the kids participated in that one.
Tuesday, sick day. But somehow, Zack ended up not being sick (which means, he'll just get it later). So he ended up getting to go down to the office this morning, instead of in the afternoon)....that is, until Dad ended up getting sick, too, and coming home.
Oh, while we're on the subject, guess you're wondering when Math comes into this equation. Well, that's really David's strong suite, not mine. So, in the afternoons, the boys each take turns going down to the office and do Math & some Handwriting (which is atrocious!!). He has more grace for those kinds of subjects than I do. I want them to do things the way that I was taught, in a timely fashion. And then I end up getting very discouraged and the kids end up frustrated. Or...I let David handle those subjects and he gets to take the fun stuff that we've been learning about to the next level (ie, the whole building of a pulley--David's idea).
Zack -- week 1
When I asked Zack what he wanted to learn about this week, he said, "I want to learn about SCIENCE!" (What is it with my boys liking subjects that I can do, but I'm not very good at?) So, off to picking my brain (and the internet! Thank goodness for technology!)
I ended up scoring a jackpot over the summer. Through the wonderful publisher at TOS, I got about a dozen or so FREE unit studies. And guess what one of them was called? "Let's Be Scientists"!! No joke! Man, does God love me or what?
So, basically with Zack, his brain isn't wired like Nathan's. He's a classic ADHD kid. He literally bounces wherever he goes (which is why we call him Tigger). I read a book this summer that totally changed my approach with him. It's called "How to get your kid off the fridge and onto learning" by Carol Barnier. She's amazing and funny, and has a son just like Zack (except older). Anyway, I highly recommend this book for anyone who has a son/daughter who's brain is wired differently!!
So, with this unit study, I also got Noeo Science curriculum. It's really neat stuff. The unit we purchased was the Elementary Biology set. Basically, it's following the same things that the unit study does, but adds a new layer of depth to it all. An it pulls in real books in the process.
So, all last week (and for the next 3 weeks) we're studying weather. So far, we've learned how the sun affects our weather, the different types of clouds, and the water cycle. We made our own little experiment to help us understand how the water cycle works, and set up a thermometer outside to take daily readings (yeah, so far, only half of one day's readings have been taken.....).
The most fun we had last week was making his first lapbook. He's put in all his little pictures and readings from his experiments and charts. On Friday, when we were making the lapbook, it was about 11:30, and I said, "Zack, as soon as you finish that last thing, you can be done with school for the day."
Zack said, "But mom, I don't want to be done with school for the day!"
Ahh, an "Ah Ha! moment", if ever there was one!
I ended up scoring a jackpot over the summer. Through the wonderful publisher at TOS, I got about a dozen or so FREE unit studies. And guess what one of them was called? "Let's Be Scientists"!! No joke! Man, does God love me or what?
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So, with this unit study, I also got Noeo Science curriculum. It's really neat stuff. The unit we purchased was the Elementary Biology set. Basically, it's following the same things that the unit study does, but adds a new layer of depth to it all. An it pulls in real books in the process.
So, all last week (and for the next 3 weeks) we're studying weather. So far, we've learned how the sun affects our weather, the different types of clouds, and the water cycle. We made our own little experiment to help us understand how the water cycle works, and set up a thermometer outside to take daily readings (yeah, so far, only half of one day's readings have been taken.....).
The most fun we had last week was making his first lapbook. He's put in all his little pictures and readings from his experiments and charts. On Friday, when we were making the lapbook, it was about 11:30, and I said, "Zack, as soon as you finish that last thing, you can be done with school for the day."
Zack said, "But mom, I don't want to be done with school for the day!"
Ahh, an "Ah Ha! moment", if ever there was one!
Nathan -- week 2
Labor Day means a "break" from school, but not really. Nathan and David built a pulley! It was pretty neat. First couple of designs didn't work. It was about the 4th or 5th attempt they figured out how to lift a 53 lbs. weight using only about 13 lbs. of force. Pretty neat!
So, that brings me to today (Tuesday, Sept 7). It's Micah's bday, and to celebrate, we all decided to get sick! Yes, even my little Bday Boy!! It's sad, but luckily, it's all just varying degrees of sinus congestion. At least no one is throwing up. So for school today, we watched more SciQ, Bill Nye, and then Nathan went to play computer games (I think he helped Ian play a Kindergarten game....and not sure what happened after that).
A neat thing happened when I was making snack today. We decided to have popcorn ("my favorite treat....POPCORN, it's what I like to eat"....Oh sorry, I digress!). I was using Yiskah's whirley pop popper, and Nathan comes out of no where and says, "Mom! You're using a simple machine! There are 2 gears on the popper!"
It's neat, because now he sees simple machines everywhere. I vaguely remember learning about them in school. I could probably point out the different types, but only the obvious ones, like a screw (duh), inclined plane, and gears. But Nathan really gets this stuff. We were at my cousin's house for our family reunion, and there was a swing-set in the back yard. On the swing was this swing/see-saw thing, and Nathan says, "It's a lever, mom. See, there's the fulcrum, and the (whatever) and (whatever)." See, I told you I have no clue what any of this is!! He notices every pulley, ever lever, every....SIMPLE MACHINE!!
So, that brings me to today (Tuesday, Sept 7). It's Micah's bday, and to celebrate, we all decided to get sick! Yes, even my little Bday Boy!! It's sad, but luckily, it's all just varying degrees of sinus congestion. At least no one is throwing up. So for school today, we watched more SciQ, Bill Nye, and then Nathan went to play computer games (I think he helped Ian play a Kindergarten game....and not sure what happened after that).
A neat thing happened when I was making snack today. We decided to have popcorn ("my favorite treat....POPCORN, it's what I like to eat"....Oh sorry, I digress!). I was using Yiskah's whirley pop popper, and Nathan comes out of no where and says, "Mom! You're using a simple machine! There are 2 gears on the popper!"
It's neat, because now he sees simple machines everywhere. I vaguely remember learning about them in school. I could probably point out the different types, but only the obvious ones, like a screw (duh), inclined plane, and gears. But Nathan really gets this stuff. We were at my cousin's house for our family reunion, and there was a swing-set in the back yard. On the swing was this swing/see-saw thing, and Nathan says, "It's a lever, mom. See, there's the fulcrum, and the (whatever) and (whatever)." See, I told you I have no clue what any of this is!! He notices every pulley, ever lever, every....SIMPLE MACHINE!!
Nathan -- week 1
Nathan decided this year that he wants to learn about "mechanics". Much to my dismay, he didn't mean English mechanics, he meant MACHINES!! Now, I am about as mechanically inclined as a Garden snail, so imagine the learning curve I have!! But, luckily, I have an awesome hubby who jumped all over this, and helps keep me grounded and keeps me from breaking rule #1!!
So, yeah...machines. We started with Simple machines (levers, pulleys, gears, etc.). Nathan has been doing lots of research on the internet, using various websites and youtube videos. He found this one video, where the kids made....that kind of machine that's all about chain reactions, ugh can't was pretty cool.
On Wednesday, we decided to take a field trip day to Memphis. We ran errands and then took the kids to the Children's Museum. Pretty fun, they've changed it a lot since last we went (which was almost 4 years ago). And then we took the kids to a Red Birds game. Hey -- there's lots to learn there! You can learn statistics, um, and physics, and um.....physical education.....yeah, something like that...
Thursday, because we got in very late from Memphis (pushing midnight), we had an easy day. We were all slugs and watched SciQ all morning. Learned LOTS about water, sound, wheels, and poop. Yeah, Poop! There's a whole branch of science dedicated to gross-ology. And that episode was DEFINITELY GROSS!!!!
Friday....what did we do...? I think it was just more research on various websites. But the most fun so far was on Monday.
So, yeah...machines. We started with Simple machines (levers, pulleys, gears, etc.). Nathan has been doing lots of research on the internet, using various websites and youtube videos. He found this one video, where the kids made....that kind of machine that's all about chain reactions, ugh can't was pretty cool.
On Wednesday, we decided to take a field trip day to Memphis. We ran errands and then took the kids to the Children's Museum. Pretty fun, they've changed it a lot since last we went (which was almost 4 years ago). And then we took the kids to a Red Birds game. Hey -- there's lots to learn there! You can learn statistics, um, and physics, and um.....physical education.....yeah, something like that...
Thursday, because we got in very late from Memphis (pushing midnight), we had an easy day. We were all slugs and watched SciQ all morning. Learned LOTS about water, sound, wheels, and poop. Yeah, Poop! There's a whole branch of science dedicated to gross-ology. And that episode was DEFINITELY GROSS!!!!
Friday....what did we do...? I think it was just more research on various websites. But the most fun so far was on Monday.
New Beginnings
Ok, I've waited 10 years to finally start this adventure, and I'm so excited that we are finally embarking on this journey! I've decided to start this blog in the hopes of being "disciplined" enough to keep up with it.....yeah right. The reality of it is, that I will start this today, and probably not touch it again for 3 months, be riddled with guilt and try to cram 3 months of work into an epic long post, decide it's not worth the trouble, and abandon the project altogether......*sigh* Well, at least I know myself well enough to know that I have no delusions.......
Ok, so like the blog's title says, this is a new beginning for the Parkerson family. Yes, we've talked about homeschooling, run a stinkin' umbrella school for homeschoolers, and talk to homeschoolers all over the place about the glories of educating your kid at home. But, it wasn't until this current school year that we've actually be able to do it! Isn't that funny.....gotta love God's sense of humor.
But in all seriousness, I really think that this was from God. I mean, that we had to wait until our oldest is in 4th grade to start homeschooling our kids. I realize that David and I both got very Pharisee-icle about home education. But I think that God has really used these past 3 years to undo a lot of those strong holds. While I still disagree with the overall philosophy and execution of the public school system in America, I do see that I had some lessons to learn. Anyway....just my ramblings.
And now, onto the ACTUAL reason for this blog. It's to journal what we've done as we've done, should probably use better English, huh? Well, happy reading!!
Ok, so like the blog's title says, this is a new beginning for the Parkerson family. Yes, we've talked about homeschooling, run a stinkin' umbrella school for homeschoolers, and talk to homeschoolers all over the place about the glories of educating your kid at home. But, it wasn't until this current school year that we've actually be able to do it! Isn't that funny.....gotta love God's sense of humor.
But in all seriousness, I really think that this was from God. I mean, that we had to wait until our oldest is in 4th grade to start homeschooling our kids. I realize that David and I both got very Pharisee-icle about home education. But I think that God has really used these past 3 years to undo a lot of those strong holds. While I still disagree with the overall philosophy and execution of the public school system in America, I do see that I had some lessons to learn. Anyway....just my ramblings.
And now, onto the ACTUAL reason for this blog. It's to journal what we've done as we've done, should probably use better English, huh? Well, happy reading!!
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